Mo. - Do. 07:30 - 16:30 Uhr | Fr. 07:30 - 13:30 Uhr
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the latest generation

Water Jet Cutting Systems

With 60,000 PSI through thick and thin

We have a superb range of machinery for the production of your parts. Our very modern cutting systems are state of the art.

20 Düsen pro Wasserstrahlanlage

Up to 20 jets

per Water Jet Cutting Systems

Up to 20 jets per system will provide you with the most cost-effective production of any quantity. The latest generation of CNC controllers guarantee the perfect shape and precision of all products and very low tolerances.

Three modern

Splitting Machine

enable the production of uniform material thicknesses with the lowest tolerances during preparation.

It's the thickness that counts: User-specific know-how leads to the lowest tolerances when splitting sheet material.

moderne Spaltanlagen

Our Products & Services

For further information regarding to our products and services please have a look at our PDF-brochures.

Can we help you?

Do you have further questions about our products and services?

Don't hestitate to contact us!
